Welcome To
Joshua Miles Front-end web dev portfolio
About Me
Hello I am Joshua Miles
Hello my name is Joshua Miles I am a junior level front-end web developer. I have recently completed UCSD’s front-end web development program, in partnership with the San Diego Workforce . I have a passion for continued learning and pursing knowledge in the technologies of today.
Although I have recently completed the front-end program mentioned above, I am also pursuing a bachelors degree in computer science with Wilmington University Online. I am open to opportunities in-person or remote. I am knowledgeable in the following technologies.
- React.js
- Bootstrap
- Github
- Svelte.js
- Styled Components
React websites,
React components,
WordPress websites,
WordPress editing,
Svelte websites,
Svelte components
React Websites/ React components
Do you need someone to create your website using React, or maybe you just need an extra hand creating a component, I can help.
WordPress websites/ WordPress editing
I can create your website using WordPress, or if you already have an existing WordPress website I can edit your site to give it a makeover.
Svelte websites/ Svelte components
If React is to bulky of a web framework for you and you would like something a bit lighter. A Svelte website might be the better option, I can also jump in and help along side your Svelte team in creating Svelte components.

Libraries, Frameworks, and CMS's

Do you need someone to create your website using React, or maybe you just need an extra hand creating a component, I can help.

I can create your website using WordPress, or if you already have an existing WordPress website I can edit your site to give it a makeover.

If React is to bulky of a web framework for you and you would like something a bit lighter. A Svelte website might be the better option, I can also jump in and help along side your Svelte team in creating Svelte components.